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Monday, November 21, 2005

So check it

So anyway how is everyone? It's been a long time since I've posted just text so I thought I'd refresh myself instead of just copping out with pictures like some people I know. I'm here at home, head spinning with finals just around the corner and last papers and assignments coming due. As far as I can tell I'm getting decent grades in all my classes, so that should help with financial aid. My writing mid-term was humorous as I ended up sick and cracked out on cold medicine and still received a B on it. Five minutes after it was done, I couldn't remember what I had written. Bad sign? Apparently not. Regardless of the liberal (in the extreme) nature os the school in general I got a B despite the fact that I threw half of the book of Ephesians in there and used the beginning verse all women (non-Christian) hate: "Wives submit to your husbands". I was sure this would cut my popularity down somewhat, but it didn't, thank God. Beyond that, I can say that I have managed to not start arguments in all classes. I have remained moderate in temper and speech, while not compromising my beliefs. Then I get home and spew it all! I'm sure my next paper will gain lots of enemies, as it is eight pages on the evils of Planned Parenthood. I should have named it "Planned Parenthood; Where Satan Lives". That would have been good, no doubt. And of course, I have to give props to my girl, Sabrina, who helped with internet research. Next time I should just make her write it. Well, gotta run. I still have three pages of math homework to do. Maybe I'll post that paper in here when I get it back. If it doesn't bomb, that is.


Blogger Sabrina said...

OOh post the paper, that would be a fun read! Have recently joined the "anti planned-parenthood" club and am always looking for good material to spew!

7:54 AM, November 22, 2005  
Blogger The Writer said...

It has been done babe!

7:49 PM, November 23, 2005  

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