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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

School type stuff...

Well, gotta post it. Just finished filling out my financial aid stuff and registered for my prerequisite. This means that I will be going to school full time for fall term. That means that there will be two students in the house. Anybody wanna lay odds on who gets killed first? Me or Brandon?

Anyway, any person reading this who has gone that route and has words of wisdom, please feel free. I am interested to hear all stories be they horrible or otherwise. I of course will attempt to gain extra sympathy as the wife/mother/student. Come to think of it, maybe we should lay different odds, Me, Brandon or Corbin? My money's on the kid.


Blogger alyca said...

Keep focused on your goals and don't let yourself be distracted from them!!

In 2003, I found myself working full time as an RN, going to school full time to get my bachelor's degree in nursing (already had my associates degree), and planning a (what seemed to me) big wedding on my own (with slight help from my at-the-time-fiance).
I graduated from college (officially) 14 hours after I got married. Talk about poor planning! My brain nearly exploded from the pressure. Don't do that. See--you won't have the wedding stress, although having a kid is like a full time job, so you are way ahead of where I was.
Just look ahead to when that first quarter is done and look forward to that week or so that you will have off between quarters. Keep that in your head and use it as your 'vacation' from school. Then look at the calendar and see when the second quarter is done, and so on until you are done. It is too hard to see the big picture sometimes, but you can definitely do a quarter at a time!

8:40 AM, May 20, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just want you to know that I very much appreciate having someone commenting on my blog besides Sabrina. Thank you!!!

11:08 AM, May 20, 2005  
Blogger Sabrina said...

comment comment comment.
Having never been to shcool, don't have much to say as far as encouragement.... But then again, I know you, and I know you'll do just fine.

7:36 PM, May 21, 2005  

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