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Monday, September 10, 2007

Ambivalent? Well....yes and no.

Corb starts kindergarten on Thursday. I'm so excited for him, I think he'll love it! On the other hand, it just kills me to let him go. I know that once he starts school I'll never really get him back from it. He'll be in school (God willing) until he's at least 18. On the other hand, I'm really looking forward to half a day with just Linc. It'll be so nice to have the afternoons to focus on my youngest and to get things done around the house should Linc decide it's one of those afternoons where all he wants to do is nap. It does happen occasionally. I'm also looking forward to hearing all about Corb's school experiences. I've met his teacher and she seems super nice. I liked her a lot and so did Corb. I'm hoping that the other kids in his class will be great and that he will enjoy their company. I'm not looking forward to deprogramming out of him all the crap he'll pick up from kids with parents who are less strict than I am. I'm also not looking forward to those days when I'm trying to get Corb to school on time and Linc is smack in the middle of a meltdown. I know it's going to happen sooner or later. This is a true win/lose situation. We all win a little, we all lose a little.

Sigh. I'm going to miss that kid. My first baby.


Blogger Life Is Good said...

Yeah it's a big step but at least you are used to dropping him off at daycare...that makes it a little easier!
He will do great. I am sure that he will enjoy the experience of being with new friends and new people...not just relatives!

3:11 PM, September 11, 2007  
Blogger The Writer said...

Hey man, I liked it a lot when he was with relatives! There is no greater security than being able to leave your kid with someone you love and trust and who loves him too.

Having him in daycare/preschool at your house was da bomb!

12:17 PM, September 12, 2007  

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