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Saturday, September 01, 2007

My Current Pleasures

It's definitely a challenge to have two in the house instead of one, especially since one requires such time consuming care. I'm really enjoying it, though. Corb is so interested in his baby brother and very sweet about it. He also totally enjoys being the big helper and is always pleased and eager to play fetch and carry or put dirty diapers in the garbage or whatever. It's pretty awesome. I have to give his auntie props for that, she was the front-runner in teaching him the rewards of being helpful. It's been such a treat for me and the hubby to refer to our children, the boys, our sons. So while the experience isn't without pain, discomfort or difficulty it is rewarding, amazing, and fullfilling. We have been blessed!


Blogger Pixie said...

Oh, he looks so happy and sounds like an awesome big brother! Isn't it awesome talking about your "kids"! Then of course, there's those ackward and frustrating times mixed in with the amazing and overjoying ones! And who would have thought those little things could make an older sibling so happy...Being helpful. It's funny...I understand all those things you're talking about. Congratulations again! I'm so happy for you guys!!

8:36 PM, September 05, 2007  

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