The test is good....etc.
So my glucose test went well. I didn't vomit that nasty stuff they make you drink and hopefully the results of that won't get back to me. No news is good news so if they don't call, that means everything is good. I've still only gained the 10 pounds and made the nurses station erupt into bawdy laughter when my response to the number on the scale was a loud, distressed, not-thought-out "Well, shit." I hadn't meant to really say that out loud. Either way, things are still measuring right on schedule and the little fartface is flipping like a trout so she's not worried. Or at least, she wasn't worried once she verified that I eat. More than once a day. Seriously. Long talk about what I had eaten in the past few days. She was satisfied both with the quantity and the quality of the food I eat and I told her that I had stopped taking walks since it was so freaking hot outside and had instead been using my exercise ball for about 30 minutes in the afternoon and she was fine with that. In any case, it seems things are going well and normally. I will have to have another ultrasound to see if the placenta has moved off my c-section scar and we are really keeping our fingers crossed for that one! If it hasn't that makes this ballgame quite a bit more complicated because if I ended up having to have another c-sec instead of the vbac I'm hoping for the insicion would have to go somewhere else. Ug, I don't even like to think about it. Anyway, nothing of interest going on in my world. Going to work, going home, hiding from the heat. Slowly working to get things prepared at home and trying to keep up on all the regular duties we have. Mostly pretty boring. It's all good, I like boring!
I'm glad to hear everything's going well so far, and I hope it stays that way! And I hope you're able to hide from the heat!
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