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Friday, May 20, 2005

The School Thing...

Well, I should probably point out that I am going to school for the Dental Assistant cert. That is so I can have something to do for work that pays well and I can figure out if I like the Dentistry thing or if I want to pursue some sort of medical degree. The program can be as short as nine months or as long as you need it to be. As long as I am hitting 12 credits a term I'll be alright. It feels weird, though. When I went to take the placement testing I was by far the oldest person in there. In fact, I was the only person over the age of twenty. Two of these folks were still in high school. I was the only person with stretch marks or crows feet and I will admit that I didn't feel good about it. So, feeling a bit unsettled about that. Plus, and feel free to disagree with me on this, I kind of have a bit of angst about running off to school and finding out that I'm way dumber than I thought I was. I'm hoping this isn't the case, as I scored great in the tests on everything but math, which is my prerequisite. Still, you have one stupid bad dream and it follows you forever. So, a bit nervous and preoccupied today, and feeling like hiding in my house for the next couple of weeks. Not that I will do that, but it sounds fun. Also, being a short program, I think my mom feels that this is like, the cop-out not-quite-real education. I mean, she has a masters and a bachelors and she is terribly smart in a bookish, college administrator sort of way and I think she doesn't feel this is a "real" education. Ug. I think I should stop talking to my mother. At least for a week or so. That's about how long it takes for her to completely forget our last 8 or 9 conversations. Albert Einstein has nothing on my mom. She also has little practical know-how. She can tie her shoes, but when she wanted to watch a movie on the dvd player I bought her she made me come over and set it up for her. For an entire year. LOL.


Blogger alyca said...

My husband wanted for years to be a dental hygienist. Mostly because of the 4-ten hour days and the possibility of a 3 day weekend each week, but he thought it would be great. He worked in a dentist's office (cleaning, and sterilizing instruments) for 7 or 8 years (very part time on weekends when they were closed). Pretty cool field, lots of people to meet.

I got the same sort of looks/heard some of the same things about my education when I got a 2-year associates degree after 4 1/2 years of school. (that is the main reason I went back for a 4 year degree)....people are clueless.

And, my mom is also quite clueless, as I am sure Sabrina has told you. I set her up with a blog, and she wrote one post on it, now she cannot for the life of her figure out how to do it again, so she just emails us all with a post instead of putting it on here. She has not by any means mastered email, but she CAN find the send button on occasion. And she is still quite in the VCR world.

1:28 PM, May 20, 2005  
Blogger Sabrina said...

On a positive note, you'll be the most popular gal in the class..... college students need a buyer after all.....

6:38 PM, May 20, 2005  
Blogger The Writer said...

See, my hubbie said that any education is good education. Unless, of course, you are studying the Anarchists Cookbook or Satanism 101. I also see no point in under-water basket weaving. Also, parenting classes are stupid because your kids will never do any of the things they teach you about. The stuff your kids will do are totally off the radar. So, I think I will just tell my mom and anyone else who picks on me that after I finish this program I will be taking a program to learn about the life of the dung beetle. I will tell her that this will suck up several years of my life and will qualify me to bore the snot out of any irritating person at a bar or party for the remaining years of my life.

So there.

10:32 AM, May 23, 2005  

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