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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I am a human pacifier.

Myths about breastfeeding:

1. It is convenient.
Horse puckey. The only time it is convenient is at night and only because you don't have to get out of bed.

2. It is good bonding time.
Yeah, only if you don't have any other kids and a million other things to do.

3. Babies who are breastfed aren't as gassy.
Again with the horse crap.

4. Breastfeeding is cheap.
Is not. It's costing us a lot for me to stay home and do it. Plus, I'm not getting anything done.

5. Breastfeeding feels good.
To who?!?

I'm not saying I'm giving up. I'm not. But there are definitly moments when it sucks. Today, for example. I've been nursing for an hour. With a five minute break so I could put some soup on the stove. Soup I probably won't get to eat. The more I nursed today the more I understood that I wasn't nursing a hungry baby. I was nursing a baby who thinks I make a better pacifier than his pacifier does. It's not that I don't want to comfort him. I do. Just not by spending all my waking hours with my boob in his mouth. I started really pumping in earnest today. Besides the electric double pump I have I am now the proud owner of a handheld manual pump that I am using in the shower. I'm getting some decent amounts so I'm hoping that this will either allow for Brandon to help feed sometimes or build up a supply. I'm trying to pump after every feeding although this isn't the easiest thing to do with the kindergartener wanting something from me every 5 minutes. So, while breastfeeding is great because it's so good for babies, it's hard, inconvenient, time consuming and stressful. You have to really commit yourself to make it work, and everyone around you has to be committed to helping you.


Blogger Sabrina said...

Get a nice snug sling and wear that baby. Feed him then snug him up in the sling, close to your body, give him a paci if he wants one, and go about your day. He's looking for comfort and you're offering your breast as that comfort.... big no-no. Breasts are for feeding, not for pacifying. And that goes for Brandon, too!

10:30 PM, September 21, 2007  
Blogger The Writer said...

Um, he's not really interested in using Brandon as a pacifier. I think it's the nipple hair.

6:57 PM, September 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:20 PM, September 22, 2007  
Blogger Little Things said...

I breastfed both of my kids, and really, it was much easier than formula - my friends who bottle fed always had to have STUFF with them to feed their babies. All I needed was right there and always the right temperature!

The being STUCK part stinks. My eldest used me as a pacifier until I just decided to make nursing a business partnership instead of a day-long boobie-fest. It's so hard to do that, though.

As for the cost part, with my younger child I worked and pumped for (OMG) 15 months. Much cheaper than formula, and it helped alleviate the mommy guilt from not being there while I was working (and this is while my dh was a SAHD!)

It's never easy. None of this parenting stuff is. But it's worth it.

Hang tough!

4:46 PM, September 30, 2007  

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