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Friday, August 15, 2008

Random Crap.

Today has been a weird day. Aside from all the icky, stressy stuff I'm dealing with, I've laughed harder today than I have in a long time. Why? Check some of this stuff out and you'll see.


You Had Me at Idiot

So Close

So funny! I read all the way through the first and just laughed my heinie off. The second made me laugh so hard I was actually hunched over at one point with my hand over my mouth laughing so hard I was crying. The third, well, she's always got something good to say.

Moving on, I'm somewhat addicted to catalogs. I've never ordered from one, but I love to get them. It's like window shopping from the comfort of home. They kinda confuse me though. First off, sweaters are my favorite article of clothing next to jeans. I love sweaters. They are warm, comfy, can be casual or dressy and can hide a multitude of flaws if you're careful about the cut. I think we can all agree, however, that a sweater is a cold-weather item of clothing, for the purpose of keeping warm. Because I believe this to be true I don't understand why clothing manufacturers label shirts as sweaters when they are cut low enough that one's belly button is visable. How does that keep me warm? Is cleavage (not to mention rib cage, waist and abdomen) really a cold weather accesory? Added to that is the fact that all the really good sweaters, the ones with high necks, long sleeves and a long waists, are either a hand wash item or a dry clean item. All the rediculous sweaters that I would never wear were machine wash. Figures.

The other item that I find frustrating is pants. I have longish legs and a smallish waist. This is not a good combination unless you are rich enough to spend $200 on a pair of jeans. For broke people like me it means that I am constantly trying to find a pair of jeans that are inexpensive and small enough in the waist WHILE being long enough in the legs. If I were to choose a pair of pants that fits perfectly while standing up I could get away with 34 inches. I like my pants to be a bit long at the ankle so my socks don't show when I'm sitting so I generally prefer 36. The problem with most jeans for women is that you don't get to pick the length. I'm not sure if it's generally thought that all women of a particular waist size have legs of the same length or what. Well, I found a catalog that specializes in women with long legs. Unfortunately, it is full of mom-waisted jeans and pants, Victoria's Secret-esque tops and all of it is selling for a small fortune. Thanks for nothing.

Today around lunchtime I put my youngest in his highchair for his midday snack. I then went to the bathroom to pee and did the worst wipe job ever because I heard him choking. I ran back to the dining room (while buttoning my pants) to save my baby to find him grinning at me. He then returned to his new hobby of gagging himself with his fingers repeatedly while I sat in a chair and tried to keep my heart in my chest.

It's been a really interesting day. And it's not even close to being over.


Blogger Pixie said...

I love random talk...It's fun. So yeah, we're coming back, sorry you're moving...When? Where? Why? Hopefully we can see you guys before you leave.--Jason's over there already.--We'd love to see the boys.

9:56 PM, August 15, 2008  

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