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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Moving right along...

Ok, so anyway.... Easter! All this talk about new babies and babies on the way makes me totally excited about Easter. I'm kinda curious to see what will happen at church this year as we are no longer in a Sanctuary, but are now in a gynasium. I don't know if it will be harder to have the "Flower Spectacular" that we usually have. I hope so as I really enjoy that. I'm sure we will sign up for the prayer vigil like we do every year, hopefully not at one in the morning like last year. They have also moved the "Sonrise Service" to seven A.M. instead of six so that's kinda nice.

After the church-y festivities we are having a super-cool-food-a-riffic dinner thing at my sister-in-law's place for which I am happily providing the ham for this year. I'm totally excited!!! Especially about the ham, cause I'll get to brag like I raised the pig and killed it myself. Not that it will be true, or anything, but I like to pretend I'm half the cook that she is and I can't do that and be honest at the same time. Actually, if I hated my family the food would make it worth hanging out with them, but of course I don't actually know how to cook any of it.

Not really my strong suit, cooking. I do have a few things I am really good at, like cajun pork chops, but for the most part I like to just get recipes from everyone else and tips on exactly how they make it. If I didn't everything I made would taste like the few spice combinations I know I like. Kinda boring, really.

Of course the kids will get to have their egg hunt and get loads of goodies that will rot their teeth and turn them into two-legged sugar bombs so that all the parents will want to wring their little necks (with love, of course) and knock them out. I believe the protocol generally used at that point is a corral (backyard) and a big dog to chase the vigor out of them. Luckily, my SIL has all these things at her house. I'm not sure what the back-up plan is for what to do when the dog eats the candy. Do the kids chase him? Hard to picture.

Anyway, does anyone have plans for Easter they are excited about? What does your family do?


Blogger The Writer said...

The work involved is why my SIL and I collaborate. Neither of us would do it if we had to do it alone!! Plus, if you get a bunch of mostly hammered people to help with clean up it's less like work and more like a Three Stooges episode. Most of us are pretty stupid when we're drunk.

10:37 AM, March 31, 2006  
Blogger Sabrina said...

Turns out this year we'll be having an Easter brunch/lunch/egg hunt/beer drinking/ baby shower at Davinies house. Will be much fun!

11:51 AM, March 31, 2006  
Blogger M3 said...

Hm, I almost forgot that it was coming up it's been so rainy and wintery-feeling here. I guess I'd better get moving and make some Easter plans!

10:52 PM, March 31, 2006  
Blogger Life Is Good said...

Now that I look back on last week I think you conned me Frances! I see your evil ways now! You schmoozed me and now you are coming to my house to drink my liquor!
I think I may have to charge admission!

8:34 AM, April 03, 2006  
Blogger The Writer said...

Charge me baby! Totally worth it!!

9:27 AM, April 03, 2006  
Blogger Life Is Good said...

Sorry to burst the bubble but no Easter at my house. Enjoy your ham and your family!

1:31 PM, April 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the first year my son gets to hunt easter eggs. We are so excited. Our church hosted a hunt last saturday and he got so excited that he had to poop. Now that is pure excitement

Happy Easter and thanks for stopping by!

1:36 PM, April 03, 2006  
Blogger The Writer said...

Hey, lifeisgood, no one said we absolutely had to do something at your house, ours is just as good (play along, won't you?) and we still have that ham!!! I hope you don't expect us to eat the darn thing ourselves, so consider the gauntlet thrown!!!

2:05 PM, April 03, 2006  
Blogger Life Is Good said...

It still stands as is with no meal, but we will get to see each other at church Easter Sunday! We will celebrate together in the best place possible and the rest is just dinner right? I guarantee I am not "closing" the kitchen... just consider things on "vacation" for awhile. I am really appreciative of you calling me, hashin out the email and being able to do so without feeling like I was beating up on you.
Please do not look at this as a "punishment" that I won't do a meal. This is how your brother wants it and I am doing what he wishes. Doesn't that seem strange? Nah, I love the big booger! And you too yah big poo poo head!

1:56 PM, April 06, 2006  

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