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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The update that'll have to hold ya.

Heya kiddos. So, I don't know about y'all, but I'm tired. Tired of just about everything. I've had one of those weeks that has thus far left me disgusted, annoyed, irritated, and generally bitterly pissed off at everything on earth, and some things within the immediate solar system.

For example, I've gotten stuck behind several licensed dip-sh*ts in the last week who have been physically or mentally unable to go less than 15 mph under the posted speed limit. Those jackasses take all the fun out of speeding. It was never someone who was obviously geriatric or driving a hideous P.O.S. car, no of course not, it was always someone in their mid-thirties driving a car manufactured in the last 5 years. They all had nicer cars than I, and therefore either more money or more debt. One of those conditions should cause elation, the other should cause despair. Neither of those states of mind should cause someone to drive slower than old people have sex. It's embarrassing for their age group.

Another one is the newest employee they sent me today that caused more problems than he solved. I have 10-15 disabled adults to run herd on, I don't have time to watch him too. I got the feeling that he was grossly over-qualified. It'd be like my college-educated mother doing something that requires common sense, like daycare or working at McDonald's. It just wouldn't work. Everything we do hinges on one simple premise. Everything must be in numerical order. Guess what he couldn't do? Did I mention that everything is numbered? Every single piece and all it's coordinating pieces are numbered and then they all boast the same tray number. How organized! And yet, beyond him. What a pain.

Add to that, I decided that I didn't want to spend any time at home last night so we wandered around shopping (mostly looking and discussing things we might buy someday) and we went to Target. While I stood there trying on sunglasses (I was looking for just the right pair that said something to the effect of "I'm hungover, how 'bout you?") my kid spotted a very small female child attempting to get a soda out of one of the cold cases with the sliding doors that are near the registers. He shouted out "HEY GIRLIE!!!" at the top of his lungs. I immediately admonished him, citing impoliteness. His father, on the other hand, choked on his laughter and had to hide on the other side of the sunglasses rack. Was it funny? Yes. Did I want him to encourage him to address females in this manner on a regular basis? No. You see my point.

My son also tried having a discussion with his dad about tattoos. My son is four years old. He asked if it hurt and if it bleeds. My hubby answered yes on both counts. My son decided that wasn't enough to deter him and requested a ride to the nearest tattooist. Daddy informed our child that one must be much older to get a tattoo. My son then replied "well, you're an old guy, do you have one?" Payback for the girlie thing, in my opinion.

I have been making a really good effort to remain only marginally sober (by sober I mean not unconscious) this week, as it is a difficult time emotionally. Those of you who know me know why, those of you who don't probably don't want to hear the story, as it's not bucolic in nature. 'Nuff said.

Anyway, I'm gonna wander off as the whiskey-soda mixture I have waiting for me is becoming watered down by the melting ice. Can't have that. I'll probably be back next week sometime.

See ya.


Blogger Life Is Good said...

Keep your chin up. This time of year is going to be tough for awhile but we will make it through.
Unfortunately we will never rid ourselves of stupid people though. You just have to laugh and point.
I am praying for all you guys - you, your brothers and Nana. Careful not to pickle your liver!

7:24 AM, May 11, 2006  

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