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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Oh, just forget it.

The last couple of months have been the kind of months during which everything goes wrong.


The latest in this string of wrong-goings was my oldest son's appointment with the pediatrician. Turns out, my six-and-a-half-year-old son is losing weight. He's already the skinniest kid his age I've ever seen, and apparently the Adderall he's on has caused even less appetite, resulting in weight loss. This is the thing I was dreading the first time we were told it was a possibility with ADHD medication. I mean, he's already the son of parents who were both scrawny as hell for most of their lives, he (just like us) either doesn't notice he's hungry or forgets to eat when he's busy, he (just like us) has a severe and gerbil-like metabolism, he (just like us, well me, anyway)likes fruit and veggies and things that are good for him but not terribly high in fat or calories. I've had to start researching what a nutritious, high fat, high calorie diet looks like. The bummer part is that he eats a lot of the things on the list, just not in any great quantity. We eat cheese, meats, milk, ice cream, and the like often. He's just not eating much of them, or not enough apparently. I keep telling people I can offer and put the food in front of him but I can't make him eat it. I really can't. I'm concerned that people will start to think I don't feed him at all. I mean, geez, he's the skinniest kid around and my youngest is not even a year old and he's the size of a two-year-old. It looks weird, even to me. He was the skinniest kid at swimming lessons. He's so skinny he doesn't float. At all. How freaking skinny do you have to be not to float?!? Well, his head floats, but I'm not sure that makes me feel any better.

Anyway, the doctor gave us some supplemental powder stuff that is supposed to help and I asked the hubby to pick up some PediaSure on his way home. If anyone has any other ideas or recipes to help with this, I'd be grateful. I thought I'd see about instant breakfast too. Maybe one of each with every meal during the day? Plus snacks? Hmmmm.....


Blogger Sabrina said...

I think the pediasure is a great idea, but eventually that one will break the bank. I'll be an arse again and say get that child some yummy chocolate or vanilla protein powder. Get a blender. Make him a special daily treat of it.

Hope he starts to fatten up soon!!

8:32 PM, August 20, 2008  

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