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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Swimming in weird.

You just gotta love sharing the planet with all the beetle-headed humans taking up space on it. We all know that the weather is starting to get a little sloppy. A teensy bit of snow, a lot of rain and a whole lot of wind. Nothing too dramatic or alarming, at least in my book. In the last week I've been rather unfortunate in my quest for a peaceful drive to and from work. A bit disappointed, really. I've been stuck behind people who resolutely refuse to come close to the posted speed limit due to, I assume, the small and insignificant fact that there is some form of moisture falling out of the sky. It's as though their cars put a stubborn cap on their velocity as soon as the windshield wipers are engaged. I've also noticed that the same moisture seems to cause their peripheral vision to fly south for the winter. I've been cut off, swerved toward, and the victim of an attempted scraping-off. I'm not really a violent person. I'm generally too easy-going and too lazy to work up a good head of steam. Nonetheless, I've used more foul language at higher volumes in the last week than I have in a long time. I've not made any obscene gestures or anything, but I have family members who can vouch for the fact that I prefer to flip "el birdo" when I'm face to face with the recipient. So much more fun in person, don't you think? Anyway, my shouted profanity has had zero effect on the state of traffic, but it has helped me feel as though I'm not letting the ignorant bastards get away with it. I hope their ears are burning. It feels somewhat counter-productive to arrive at work, facing a full day of verbal fencing and cajolery, feeling somewhat drained, like I just survived a dangerous obstacle course rife with landmines only to find out that I still have to get to the center of the labyrinth and then do a triathlon. By the time I stash my stuff in my locker, fill up my coffee cup and find a pen I'm not interested in doing my charting or file review. I just want to take a nap. Maybe preceded by a cocktail and some chocolate. Same thing when I get home. I had to drive through hell and you still want me to cook dinner? Kiss my a$$, you turkey. Get some takeout and make with the foot massage and we'll negotiate who gets stuck doing yesterday's dishes. Of course I don't actually express these sentiments because this is real life and that's just not how it works. If it could I'd be all over it, but so would you. Admit it.

Anyway, now that I've vented my spleen (where did that stupid saying come from???) I'm off to do the dishes. And, no, they're not left over from yesterday.


Blogger Sabrina said...

"[ Regarding an explanation of the phrase vent my spleen, it's a simple explanation and would be too short for "Words to the Wise". In medieval times, the spleen was thought to be the source of a hot temper, and so by venting the spleen one would be letting loose one's anger. As far as both of us venting one spleen, the word has been used metaphorically since the 19th century and is a synonym for "anger". It has been accepted usage since then for more than one person to share "a spleen". Also, it just sounded snappier than saying "where we each vent our respective spleens".]"

Some useless information

10:58 AM, November 16, 2006  
Blogger Sabrina said...

Ooh, even better:

""Galen, the influential ancient Roman physician, thought the spleen was associated with the liver, purifying it in addition to making black bile, one of the 'four humors' of antiquity thought to control our temperament. (the others are yellow bile, blood and phlegm). Someone with an angry disposition was said to be splenic, an idea that survives in the phrase 'to vent one's spleen.'"

11:35 AM, November 16, 2006  
Blogger Immy said...

And here I thought I was the only one noticing these things. I am thankful that my horn works, and works well, or I would have only half a Tracker, again. The worst part is that the weather was fine the other day. The idiot was busy looking for his papers, not watching where he was going. The look on his face was priceless. I wonder, did he have clean undies in the jockey box?

11:25 AM, November 17, 2006  

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