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Sunday, June 03, 2007

I'm back!!

The computer has been fixed so I should be able to post and comment more often. I've tried to catch up on what everyone has been writing so I'm not so out of the loop. Things are going well here. I have to say that this pregnancy is harder than my last. More uncomfortable and unpredictable. I finally gained some weight so my doctor is happy but I feel as though I have reached capacity and I can't possibly get any bigger. I'm a little concerned that the feeling will only get worse and it will start to seriousy complicate my life. I can handle all the discomforts well at home, it's just a matter of delegating. It's a little harder at work. I really want to work all the way up to the end and I don't want to have to stop early. Obviously, if my doctor says I have a real reason to stop early I will, but I'd like to keep working if for no other reason than to keep busy. Besides, I know that if I were home all the time I'd be scrubbing stuff in my house that doesn't need it and organizing things that have already been organized. It's become an obsession.

Anyway, things to do so I'll come back later and bore you some more!


Blogger Life Is Good said...

You are living proof that a fixed 'puter doesn't make you a better blogger!

7:51 PM, June 06, 2007  
Blogger The Writer said...

I think I'm actually living proof that tiredness has some say in the drive to blog.

But that's neither here nor there.

11:11 PM, June 06, 2007  
Blogger Pixie said...

I'm sorry you're feeling so uncomfortble...especially since you still have a while to go. You mentioned moving next year on my blog? Where are you guys going? I'm a little bummed about the move, leaving my friends behind, especially since I just started to get to know you and Jenn and Sabrina too, really. Hope you're feeling okay! Any news on a name yet?

11:25 AM, June 07, 2007  

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