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Friday, October 12, 2007

Things I'm not thrilled about.

1. B left half-full bowls of his dinner on the counter last night (not even near the sink) and went to bed.

2. They still haven't caught the crazy robber running around town.

3. I got some awesome photos of Linc smiling last night but neglected to make sure the photo card was in. The cable to hook the camera up to the computer is missing so I cannot download said photos and, hence, cannot post them here. Dammit.

4. My eldest child, having lost all privileges except breathing, has decided that he's going to follow me around all day since he has nothing else to do. I spend an obscene amount of time telling him to scamper off to his room before I wring his neck. He also thinks that if he can talk me into watching TV, he'll be able to watch it too.

On the upside, Corb decided not to eat his lunch yesterday. I informed him that if he didn't eat it he would have no food until dinner. He said ok. I had a moment of evil and decided that he could stay in the living room while I watched TV for grownups. He thought that was a major treat for him until I opted to watch Food Network all afternoon. By dinnertime he professed to be positively faint with hunger. So, naturally when I gave him his uneaten lunch for dinner he wolfed it down and then had some of what we were having. Yes, I am evil. I know it.


Blogger Sabrina said...

Pure. Awesome

2:26 PM, October 12, 2007  

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