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Saturday, April 08, 2006

Fine, you schmucks, I'm posting already!

Lalala, doodoodoo, what the heck do you people want from me?!?!?!

Anyway, been a little busy over here. Work, school, blah blah blah. Home with a sick kid today. He had a bit of a nasty cough yesterday. We kept him home from his sleepover but we still met up with family to see the second Ice Age movie. Everyone had a great time but my poor kid was so exhausted that on the ride home he was sitting in a puddle of misery in the backseat. His eyes were glassy and red-rimmed, his forehead was hot and he was slowly casting his arms around, trying vaguely to find a place to lie down. He wasn't whining, per se, but he definitely was making odd little noises. I felt sorry for him. This cough won't leave him alone. By the time we got home he had a fever and he was too tired to pull himself together. He wasn't hysterical or out of control or anything, but he was weepy and upset. He sat there while we took his clothes off and put his pj's on and silent tears seeped from his eyes. He took his medicine with very little fuss and when he finally put his head on the pillow (in my bed, of course) he let out the most blissful of sighs and snuggled into the blankets as though they were clouds from heaven. He only woke up once and seemed to be having a bad dream and went back to sleep quickly.

And, oh thank God, this morning he has much more energy. He ate some breakfast and is now practicing opening and closing a ZipLoc bag full of goldfish crackers. He's almost got it. He's sort of watching Twister at the same time. I'm not sure I should be letting him watch it, but he's having a blast, I'm pretty sure the only casualties are a couple of errant cows that do their demise-ing off screen and I'm calling it "educational" to assuage my conscience. So there. It's either the movie, or I have to play Mouse Trap with him for the umpteenth time in a few days and I don't wanna. You can't make me. I'd rather clean, and I'm assiduously avoiding that too. If I decided to tackle the disaster that is my house you wouldn't get a new post anytime soon. Imagine the last minute cleaning job juuuuust before the Second Coming. That's me right now. I'm pooped so it'll have to wait.

Anyway, back to my coffee.


Blogger Life Is Good said...

If we could just keep Corbin's hands out of his mouth! Maybe I should tape oven mitts to his hands and then he wouldn't lick all the cold germs in! Or maybe it was toys he found in a grocery cart that made him sick! hee hee!

My kids watch Twister but only after Jo's dad is "you know" then we start the movie for them. They have never had a bad dream from it. In fact Kota talks about being a storm chaser when she grows up.

Life is busy. Never to busy to blog. HAHA!

4:24 PM, April 10, 2006  

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