Cruising right along...
Well, with the silly relatives that I have (you crazy deck-building fools, you know who you are) summer seems to be galloping my way. Of course, the sweat-inducing temperatures had nothing to do with that. I'm excited about the 4th of July festivities we have planned, I'm excited about the weather being beautiful for fishing (you didn't think I'd hold off long, did ya?) but I'm really excited about going on our first trip to Montana.
Disclaimer: This does not mean we are moving there, it only means we are wandering around Bozeman to familiarize ourselves with all it has to offer. If it sucks, we will stay here. Assuming the salary offer is likewise sucky, of course. Long story short, loads of negotiations will happen to make this momentous decision so nobody gets to start freaking out, especially the one dude who heard there was really kick-a$$ hunting over there. Yes, I mean you.
Anyway, I figure that even if we don't move there it is still a totally free vacation considering that we will be flying over in the bosses plane, staying in his "cabin" and driving one of his cars while we are there. I personally think that all by itself is awesome. Really, we can't lose. I've heard it is beautiful over there, especially mid-summer, so we should get to do a little hiking as well as exploring the town and the university. If we really like it we could probably get a good idea about the real estate market too. If we would never move there and the very idea makes us sick we still get to get out of town for a few days and come back to a full bank account. Now I know it's not Tahiti or some other dream destination but really, I can't bring myself to be picky. It's FREE, so beggars can't be choosers, really. Can I just say that again? IT'S FREE!!!!!!
That just rocks, I don't care who you are.
Disclaimer: This does not mean we are moving there, it only means we are wandering around Bozeman to familiarize ourselves with all it has to offer. If it sucks, we will stay here. Assuming the salary offer is likewise sucky, of course. Long story short, loads of negotiations will happen to make this momentous decision so nobody gets to start freaking out, especially the one dude who heard there was really kick-a$$ hunting over there. Yes, I mean you.
Anyway, I figure that even if we don't move there it is still a totally free vacation considering that we will be flying over in the bosses plane, staying in his "cabin" and driving one of his cars while we are there. I personally think that all by itself is awesome. Really, we can't lose. I've heard it is beautiful over there, especially mid-summer, so we should get to do a little hiking as well as exploring the town and the university. If we really like it we could probably get a good idea about the real estate market too. If we would never move there and the very idea makes us sick we still get to get out of town for a few days and come back to a full bank account. Now I know it's not Tahiti or some other dream destination but really, I can't bring myself to be picky. It's FREE, so beggars can't be choosers, really. Can I just say that again? IT'S FREE!!!!!!
That just rocks, I don't care who you are.
Hey, I'm playing "The Price Is Right" here. If he offers a good amount of money, I'll buy all the cold weather gear I can afford and suck it up. It would so kick ass to be able to finish school without the financial pinch that usually puts us in, I'm willing to put up with crappy winters. For someone who hates snow as much as I do I don't think it will feel that different from here anyway!
Okay, so I say the Montana thing sucks but hey if it works for you who am I to stop ya from bein' rich and miserable! ha ha
And as far as the deck thing is concerned... we're tryin! When are you coming to help build? Showing up with Mike's Hard Lime although terribly wonderful is not necessarily classified as helpful!
OK, and you're SURE Kevin doesn't need a Computer whiz, CISCO and A+ Certified Networking work-a-holic willing to be a pee-on for 14 hour days and averge pay? Because I know that guy. And we... um.. HE would love to move to Montana with you! Beat $12 an hour and help with moving expenses & all that computer expertise and physical labor schlumping power are HIS!!
Free is good.
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