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Monday, June 05, 2006

Um, whatever.

Hi-dee-ho, neighbor! The world continues to turn in a manner some observers describe as "planetary." While horrid things happen all around, a small, struggling family continues to shine in their chosen, perhaps even God-given, roles. My hubby showed his true hero tendencies when he rushed out into the dark to give assistance to a person who had been struck by a truck. The facts? Here we go. Fact 1. There wasn't much he could do but throw my son's blanket over the guy until the paramedics arrived. Fact 2. The person needing assistance was purposely mowed down by persons that were known to him. Fact 3. The person needing assistance may not survive this, as he had a cyst in his brain and may actually be epileptic. Beyond that there aren't many facts to be had. It appeared in the news and the perpetrators of this heinous act have been apprehended and face numerous charges. I'm grateful. This happened about 30 feet from my front door, just slightly more than a house-length away. I enjoyed little sleep that night. I lay awake listening to the police combing the street with their flashlights looking for, well anything, I would imagine. I don't know for sure how long they were at their work. I drifted off to sleep eventually and woke this morning to peer out the window and ponder the surreal feeling of living on a street where such things happen. It's strange. It certainly wasn't the unfocused mayhem of the drive-by shooting that it could have been, as it is said that the perpetrator that was driving also had in his possession a gun. Who even knows what the outcome would have been in that case. Either way, my lovely mirage of security has evaporated. I so enjoyed that mirage. I'd take it back in a second. Not that it would do me much good, but it was comfortable.

Also, I began a relationship with my darling hubby 10 years ago tomorrow.

Now I really feel old.


Blogger Sabrina said...

Ugh, and in front of your house!! A freak thing, I'm sure.

Our ten year is on the 26th... and I so feel you there! 10 years is both long and short at the same time... weird, huh?

8:36 AM, June 06, 2006  
Blogger Life Is Good said...

I am thinking about no hanging around with you anymore. The freakiest things happen when you are around I swear.
God Bless you guys for offering assistance in whatever form when it was needed.
Congrats on your ten year status! Did you really think you could stand each other this long? Next month celebrates eleven years for Doug and I together and October is 10 years of wedded bliss. I know that you guys, like us have just seen your relationship get better and better. Congrats!

1:40 PM, June 06, 2006  
Blogger Life Is Good said...

Corbin was talking about how cool it was to go fishing today. I think that it is cool that you have found a family activity that you all really enjoy. Corbin is doing so awesome in daycare and I can really see him blossoming!

9:03 AM, June 09, 2006  

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