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Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Well, things are in a developmental stage, so you all will just have to hang on.

I can tell you that we will not be going to Montana, either for the weekend or ever is still under debate, but there are several other life altering issues currently under discussion so we will just have to wait and see.

I'll let y'all know.

On another note, my dear friend Kari had a baby boy around 4 this morning and my son and I got to go visit them in the Hospital. She looks great and the baby is beautiful, of course.

Wecome baby and congrats to Kari and family!!!


Blogger Sabrina said...

Congrats Kari!

( Frances, you boob, why haven't you called me?? Big decisions happening and you leave your buddy hanging with no gossip? Shame on you!)


9:44 PM, July 25, 2006  
Blogger The Writer said...

Well, I'll be seeing you tomorrow evening for a night of delectible goodies and gossip so I fail to see why you are bitching so much!

10:24 PM, July 25, 2006  
Blogger Life Is Good said...

Yah know, I am so sorry that your hopes and dreams for Montana are dashed.
On the other hand, I am secretly doing the happy dance and thinking about throwing a party to celebrate the fact that I will get to torment you for another year!

10:06 PM, July 26, 2006  

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