The Funniest Christmas Present Ever!
Hi, my name is Bub the Builder! I'm a builder! Can I build you something? Anything? As you can see, I have tools with which to complete the job. So, can I? Build something? Anything? Even just a little thing? I won't hit the furniture, I promise! Please? Pleeeeeeaaaasssseeee?!?!?
Well, I can fix things too......
Yeah, he's cute and yeah, we laughed damned hard!
Okay so that is an adorable picture!
However I am a little concerned about that little man having anything that resembles tools! HAHA HAHA
Oh my gosh, where'd he get that outfit? That's so cute. I love the suspenders, I think I need a pair like that! hehe
I think my MIL got them for him at Target. She got them for him for Christmas so I don't know if there would be any left but I hope you find it! My boy loves it and I bet yours would too!
Oh yeah, it doesn't matter if it even looks like a tool, he'll use it as one. Might as well teach him to use them properly! post please...don't give me that busy stuff!
I have got to get over here more often. That is just hi-larry-ous! A boy and his tools are a happy combo...even when they get peeved!
I know you are home sick so you have more than ample time to update this blog with a new post about your cold that is so much worse than one you have ever had below and how no one know the trouble you've seen....nobody knows your sorrow....
ANYWAY.... post already dammit!
the word was supposed to be before not below....
Oh and if you don't post soon you will be considered in the lame poster league along with the Coffee Nazi!
Oh that is such horse poo! Do I run around making you sound just like your mother? Do I make such rude comparisons about you? And for your information Miss Post Police, I do have other things to do. Dishes to do, laundry to fold and put away, carpets to vaccuum, nasty sisters-in-law to put in their places and so on. It's not like I just sit here all day and blog and I resent your suugestion that I do. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm tired of typing with one hand. I'm going to finish my cereal.
I did the dishes that you guys left me from last night, fed the dogs, made your brothers lunch, did the dishes I made from that activity, washed the daycare cups and set up for the new day by 630 this morning you big whiner!
I have ten daycare kids here and I still can find the time to big weinie!
Oh and you shouldn't be eating/drinking milk when you have a cold. It makes you more phelgmy!
oops another spelling mistake.
My hands don't go as fast as my brain....phlegmy
That's phlegmy dork. And I fail to see your point. I'm in the middle of something important. Don't wake me up again.
Hey by the way...enjoyed your visit over coffee this morning. I appreciate your friendship even though you are a lame blogger.
Who's whining? Here's you - "Boo hoo I don't have enough to do and I'm bored because other people won't blog so that I can be entertained. Boo Hoo!!!" By the way, I enjoyed your blogging this morning, I appreciate your coffee even if you're a lame dork of a SIL.
Take that!
Sorry somebody pissed in your cheerios and ruined it for you.
I guess I will go play with someone else cuz you need a nap!
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