Sunday, January 22, 2006
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Just waiting for my social life to die....
School starts again on the 9th. The 9th!!! Ahhhhh! I'm feeling sure at this point that I did not have enough fun or free time during the break. I'm kinda freaking out. Not that I'm in any way unhappy that we will be getting those lovely financial aid checks in the mail, I just love those, but I'm kinda bummed at the moment that I have to repeat the experience of last term to get them. Taking 15 credits this term. Have I lost my mind? Perhaps. I am in a huge hurry to get all my community college stuff out of the way to get to a bigger college and at the same time I cringe at the idea of over-loading my schedule so yes, I have possibly lost my mind. Oh, and I may have failed to mention that we are trying for baby #2. Crazy! We are all crazy!! Sigh. I think my main issue is that I will be turning 28 in a couple weeks. For those of you who are older than me, don't poo-poo that statement. We are all entitled to feel, well, feelings about certain birthdays in our own way. I just look at my life and think all these horrible questions to myself. Why did I wait so long to go back to school? Why did we wait so long between children? Why did I eat that second helping of ice cream? Why don't my pants fit like they did yesterday? Oh wait, already answered that one. Why? Why? Why? Blah, blah, blah. I guess I'm just feeling insecure about, well, everything right now. I have all these things I want to do at the same time and I have to figure out how to make as many as possible happen. I wish I didn't have to sleep or there were more usable hours in the day. Imagine how much more time we would have if we never had to eat, go to the bathroom or sleep. I'd be home free!!