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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

He's here!

We welcomed Lincoln Gabriel into the world on August 27th at 4:27 am after a somewhat long, seriously painful labor. He was a perfect 7 lbs 4 oz and 19 and 3/4 inches long. He emerged pink, wiggly and beautiful and has continued in the same way since. We are so pleased to add him to our family! God has blessed us with an easy pregnancy, an amazing labor and delivery and a miraculously healthy baby!

*If you'd like to read our birth story as written by the world's best doula go to and leave her a comment. We couldn't have done it without her and we will be thankful for her forever!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

In the good old days....


How completely tiny is he?!?!? I barely remember what it was like to have him fall asleep randomly on my lap in the middle of the day. Such a precious baby boy.

Also, how completely crappy was that camara?!?!?!
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Friday, August 17, 2007


Oi. I'm remembering that once upon a time I had a kid that wasn't ready to start school. I'll be adding more of these as I find the cool ones!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Whatever this means.

I don't know if this is early signs of labor or if all the running around crazy I do is finally catching up with me. Went through the day feeling ok but once I got done with the end of work started feeling not so ok. First? Crampy feelings. Seriously reminiscent of having a period which reminded me why I so don't miss those. I've heard the analogy that your pelvis is like a basket. Well, the whole basket was one big bruise-like ache. The ache was accompanied by some contractions that really stung which wouldn't have been enough to make me pay attention if the wee boy hadn't for once stopped wiggling in there while all this was going on. This is very abnormal behavior for him. These symptoms were accompanied by a general flu-like body ache and clammy sweat. I can sum it all up by saying that I just didn't feel right. Everything hurt and my brain disengaged more than usual. This made the drive home something of an adventure. I talked the hubby into picking up the boy and meeting me at home. We had brief conversation (which I don't remember) and I went to bed. At like, 4:30 in the afternoon. I curled up with my many pillows, feeling pitiful, moaning a bit with uncomfortable sensations and getting up occasionally to wander into the bathroom and, uh, let some of the pressure off my poor crampy bowels. I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up around 7:30 and felt mostly human and decided that I must have just been tired. I still have that massive pelvic pressure but it isn't too bad if the baby doesn't push too hard. I still feel somewhat under the weather but it is better and I actually ate some stuff for dinner. My darling hubby has placed himself on high alert and I can't bring myself to inform him that being so overly-revved is a waste of energy since this could be anything from labor to gastroenteritis to not a damn thing. Talk about your inexact sciences. It'll happen when it happens and not until. I'm sure he just wants to be ready but I maintain my belief that this isn't something you can be ready for. You just wait for the fun to start, fly by the seat of your pants and take it as it comes.

I'm entertaining the idea of staying home tomorrow just to see if some added rest calms things down and helps me feel more human. I don't know that I'll be back to feeling "normal" (don't bust a gut laughing girls) anytime soon but less like someone who's recovering from mono would be a plus. Anyway, I'll try to keep everyone posted if something interesting does happen but I think the most interesting thing will be that I take a shower and go to bed. I can live with that.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Oh, by the way...

So at my appointment monday we hear that I am 1-2 centemeters dialated, 50% effaced and his head is right on top of my cervix. She could feel him pushing. So, whatever that means it is more than I expected!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Ok, maybe it's not the modem.

But rather the wireless router that enables us to carry the laptop all over the stupid house so that we can engage in laziness in every damn room. You'd think that since the laptop no longer gets an internet connection the hubby would be more likely to lay the damn thing down and I dunno, DO something with his evening that doesn't involve an internet game site. Well, I guess he does that, technically since solitaire doesn't require an internet connection. Yep, you heard right. Now he is carrying the stupid laptop around and playing fricking solitaire in every damn room in the house. He thinks I haven't noticed that he checks to see if there is an internet connection every ten minutes or so, but I have. It's pitiful. He's like the abandoned dog waiting hopefully for his owner to come home. He's like "maybe if I hop on one foot, whistle a tune, blink three times and THEN check, it'll be there!" As if. I think he knows that if he shells out the cash for a new wireless router when we still need some baby stuff I'll kill him, cremate him with the broken one and then use his life insurance money to find a die-hard Oregon Beavers fan that likes big, American cars and Wranglers jeans and marry him. I'm sure he thinks it sucks to be a grown-up. Anyway, hit 36 weeks today. Yes I feel fat, stupid and clumsy. Yes I'm eating everything in sight and yes I'm ready to be done. That is all the time and attention I will be devoting to this subject because I think it lost it's luster as a conversation peice forever ago. I'm hoping people will be inclined to talk about it after the kid comes, just to somebody else. I don't need anything else interrupting my nap. I figure I'll climb out of bed just in time to go back to work after 12 weeks. In the meantime, I'm planning to eat and snooze for just as long as humanly possible. Maybe after 12 weeks I'll put some pictures up or something but until then y'all will just have to imagine. Yeah, I'm a damn ray of sunshine. I know.