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Monday, December 26, 2005

Good Christmas Reading

Me, Kota, and the Chronicles of Narnia. Yeah. Posted by Picasa

That's my baby!!

Thanks Auntie Bean for the great photo!! Posted by Picasa

How cool is this...

The wedding of the season! Posted by Picasa

Two Precious Kids

My son and my step-mom at the wedding. Posted by Picasa

The Flower Girl

Miss Kota in my step-sister's wedding right before Christmas. Posted by Picasa

The man I married

You want him. You know you do. Posted by Picasa

Gotta love this family jazz...

Admit it, I look annoyed. I have reason. Posted by Picasa

My Precious....

Does this kid look desperate to get into that present or what?!?! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Hey guys!!!

You should really check out my cousin's blog at and welcome her to the world of blogs!!


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Yeah yeah yeah

So here we are almost at Christmas. OK. Anyway, Brandon and I have both caught the head cold from that really warm place down south, and I don't mean Texas. Miserable. I called Brandon at work to see how he was feeling and he sounds just fine, whereas I am blowing my nose every 2 minutes and hanging over the toilet when I'm not. The cold medicine seems to help with that exploding-head feeling but it doesn't do a thing for the nausea. How much you wanna bet that I still feel like this the day Christmas rolls in? I'm supposed to go to a wedding this week. At the moment I'm not sure how I will pull that off. I wish these nasty colds would wait to pop up when I have nothing going on. The last one I got was during mid-terms and I thought that was going to be the end of my education. Turns out I did fine on the exams, I just can't really remember taking them. Oh, by the way, I earned a 3.35 gpa this term and Brandon got a 3.79 which puts him on the dean's list. Proud of us!! So here I am, sick as a dog and I have family from New Mexico visiting and places I'm supposed to be and things I'm supposed to do and I just want to go back to bed. Oh well, maybe that's what I'll do. Couldn't hurt, right? If anyone out there knows of any miracle cures or remedies, I would be eternally grateful. If not, merry Christmas anyway and drive safely out there.

Just the girls..

The ladies hanging, having some wine and a little conversation. Posted by Picasa

The Christmas Read..

Dakota and I starting the book I got her for Christmas. It will take us a while, it is the entire Chrinicles of Narnia. I'm kinda hoping she doesn't read much without me, I don't think I ever read the first book. Posted by Picasa

The Three Amigos

How cute are these three?!?!? Posted by Picasa

More bath fun...

That kid and I always have to take the camera in the bath, but you have to admit, that face just screams "character". Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 02, 2005

The stairs

These are the stairs we had to carve into the side of the hill so we could get to the top. Posted by Picasa

The Snow Hill

This is the hill on which my darling son sleds. It is in our front yard and took Brandon and I three hours of constant shoveling to construct. Posted by Picasa

Breakfast time

 Posted by Picasa

Oh boy!

I'm quite fond of this one too. That's Corbin's favorite pose for the camera. Gotta like those Toy Story underoos. Posted by Picasa


You gotta love this one! I'm about to peg him in the head with the ball and Brandon snaps the photo! I'm so proud!!! Posted by Picasa

B's fav

This is what happens when you let Brandon have the camera... Posted by Picasa

The Other Bird

This is Corbin's bird. He's very talented. Posted by Picasa

The Bird

It was a good bird...but very bad for you, lots of butter. Posted by Picasa