Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Funniest Christmas Present Ever!


Hi, my name is Bub the Builder! I'm a builder! Can I build you something? Anything? As you can see, I have tools with which to complete the job. So, can I? Build something? Anything? Even just a little thing? I won't hit the furniture, I promise! Please? Pleeeeeeaaaasssseeee?!?!?

Well, I can fix things too......

Yeah, he's cute and yeah, we laughed damned hard!
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Sunday, January 28, 2007



Rawr! Yeah, that's all I had to say.
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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Let me respond to your butt-hurtedness....

Ok, so you're waiting with baited breath for me to update you on my oh-so fabulous and exciting life. So, what? Ya stupid or something?!? There's absolutely nothing fab or exciting going on in my life right now (or ever) so I'm not sure what you're so hot to trot about. So, I will explain. No, I will sum up. I go to work, same as usual. After that I go to school. Nothing exciting there. Then I go home, do homework, hang with fam, pass out on my face. Same. As. Usual.

So to you darling sis-in-law, put on your big girl panties and deal with it.

Or you can read the wise words on your profile photo and deal with it. Either way.

Catch ya on the flip side!!

Smooches and shit.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Ok, fine.

So, yeah it's 2007. I have killer pics. Pics of the part-ay I went to and pics of the kid in some of his holiday finery. Guess what? The rat-bastard program I am using won't let me publish them. I don't know if it's pissed because I didn't get it anything for Christmas or what, but it's making me very angry. So these fabulous blog-worthy (and somewhat embarrasing for some of my friends) are sitting in my computer. Bored. Useless. A shell of their former selves.

All because of the rat-bastard program that has ceased to serve the function that I acquired it for.
