Yes, my modem is dead.
I have been unable to access the net for quite some time, but I'm here now. I'm using a pal's computer so I can update all and sundry. I am well and truly ready to be done with this particular pregnancy. I'm not going to try to end it early or anything as I think these things last as long as they do for a reason, but I'm definitely anxious for the end to be in sight. I've had some bizarre, unexplainable dizzyness that did eventually go away on it's own (not a blood pressure issue) my temper isn't exactly stable and I'm so utterly exhausted that simple things often don't make any sense to me. It is waaaay to hot outside and I've hit the point where I can only make one activity a day happen. If it happens to be work then that's it. If it's church on Sunday I can only tack on something else if it takes place hours later, as in, I have a few hours for a nap. I'm really tired. I love it when the hubby takes the young'un off to play for the afternoon so I can doze in front of the fan for awhile without anyone wanting me to do something. Things are going well, healthwise. Everything is right on schedule and looking good. I'm really starting to look forward to meeting this new baby boy and all the fun involved in restructuring the dynamic of our family. I realize that I will never actually see the boys (isn't that cool?!?!? Boys!!!) behaving at the same time or getting along or sharing generously with each other or anything but it'll be fun just the same, I'm sure. I can only hope that I haven't forgotten too much, otherwise this baby thing could be harder than the first time! Ok, we're ready whenever you are kiddo!!