What a week!
Oh good gravy! This was a long, loooooonnnnnngggggg week. I'm sure that it is due, in part, to it being the week after we came back from our trip to the ocean and fishing and all the delights that entails. The other factor, I'm sure, was just that several people were on vacation or out sick at work so it was psychotically hectic. I, of course, managed to have less than pleasant run-ins with all the clients that have mutually held feelings of dislike for me that only about half the time resulted in an incident report or a meeting with the program manager. I never received any variety of discipline or anything as I am pretty good at maintaining my professionalism at this point but it's always irritating that these stupid, childish outbursts end up in the manager's office every freaking time. I can always tell that while he is outwardly calm and concerned his is rolling his eyes on the inside and thinking "well hell, here we go AGAIN." Poor guy. All the crap lands on his desk. He has to settle such arguments as "She won't let me sit where I want to" and "I don't think I should have to clean up my work area like everyone else" and my perpetual favorite "she gave me a dirty look." If you ever wanted to know how much my job is like daycare, let this post clear that up for you. There are days where I think that I need to look for a new job and then I look at my benefits and pull my head out.
Gotta love benefits, and mine rock.
Beyond the work fun, my darling hubby went back to school this week. He only needs 3 more classes so he is taking one serious class per term for the next three terms and filling the rest of his school time with classes that he's wanted to take but hasn't had the time for. The downside to this is the serious class is Physics. Do you know how much homework is involved in a class like Physics? I didn't either, but I sure as spit do now! That homework is currently wrecking my plans for fishing this afternoon.
Damn it.
Gotta love benefits, and mine rock.
Beyond the work fun, my darling hubby went back to school this week. He only needs 3 more classes so he is taking one serious class per term for the next three terms and filling the rest of his school time with classes that he's wanted to take but hasn't had the time for. The downside to this is the serious class is Physics. Do you know how much homework is involved in a class like Physics? I didn't either, but I sure as spit do now! That homework is currently wrecking my plans for fishing this afternoon.
Damn it.