When you haven't had a computer for a while it's really hard to wrest it from your hubby's hands so you can use it. I've still not checked my e-mail because he's been playing with this stupid thing since it was possible to play with it. I generally have no idea what he's been doing but it seems to be work stuff so I can't really complain if I still want to feel good about myself. I can't say that I've been keeping up with all the things going on in the cyber-world that we all enjoy, but I figure the rest of you are so I'm trying to snag the keys whenever I can and keep you all in the know about my lame little life. So, answers to questions. Moving to Eugene probably in late summer or early fall of 2008. Small possibility that it may be sooner but that is the current plan. We will be moving because the hubby will be going to U of O and pursuing a degree in architecture. I have no doubt that he will be able to pull this off without much problem as he is smart, motivated and driven. He is really good at the school thing. Much better than I, actually. I didn't even have to help him much with his writing classes which was a surprise. It's his least favorite subject and the one he tends to struggle with the most. It's usually my best subject and our grades were about the same which I think is due to pure pig-headed tenacity on his part. His grades are wonderful even though he likes to take more credits per term than I ever think he should and he manages to put his studies before fun which I'm not nearly as good at. He has no problem bowing out of a fun evening early so he can tend to his studying. He is just a great student. Plus, he already builds things, does masonry and much artistic talent in ceramics, rock (he carves it) and wood. A most talented guy! I'm not excited about living in Eugene but I'm glad that it isn't too far from home so it will be easy to come and visit and easy for our friends and family to come visit us. I'm trying to find the good things about the area and so far I've found that there is some nice shopping there and the gardening opportunities should be great. There is also a Lutheran church close to where we will probably be living so that helps. I plan to look into job opportunities there that are comparable to what I'm doing now as I really like my job. I don't know that I'll ever be able to find a crew of wonderful people to work with like I have now but I don't think that chance comes around very often. This job is the first I've ever had that plays to all my strengths. The ones that I've earned through experience and the ones I was born with. They appreciate both work ethic and personal ethic. They value their employees for more reasons than any other place I've ever worked. These people are grade A, high class, certifiable
good people. Rare, almost unheard of and certainly appreciated. It's not something I want to go the rest of my life without experiencing again. I know I can survive having to move away from all that is comfortable and familiar to me, I've done it before. I just did it before I had kids and that makes me a little nervous. My family is so great with support and help I don't know how I'm going to cope when they are so far away. I know that it'll just be something I get through, something I adjust to over time, but it sounds like it's going to suck. Thank God for technology. I'll be able to call, e-mail or whatever and I'm grateful for that. It's just not the same as being able to go over to their house, pull up a chair and talk. I'm really going to miss that. Even if nobody has anything major to talk about sometimes the few minutes of shooting the breeze makes my day what it should be. And of course, my friends. They are the few that made the cut. Not that I require a lot, just that these people stuck. They stuck to me and I stuck to them. They're great, no other way to say it. Oy, look at me go! I gotta go to bed, got church tomorrow!! Have a good one!
**Update** By the way, I figured I should let you all know that the baby shower thrown by my wonderful, industrious sister-in-law and my equally wonderful pal will be on July 21st and we have indeed managed to get ourselves registered at Target. The registry number is 011000766001258. All are welcome to attend and invitations that include the location will be forthcoming. That is all. ;)